
What is Reward Hub?

Some may say it's a gimmick but we feel its a way to get users to use the application in a fun way and allows CrossCheck Hub to give back and connect with the customers. To list a few, users can earn points by:

  • doing daily job activities, such as logging flights, even if Auto Pilot is doing it for you
  • work with CrossCheck Analyzer to get an accurate logbook
  • participate in our discussion groups located in the Crew Lounge.
  • refer new users
  • participate in missions and contests

This is not a feature that was just put togther. There is a whole eco-system built in with badge assignemnt, reward tiers, and event monitoring to calculate the usage points to determine the winner of the missions and contests.

Our missions and contests are not meant as a publicity stunt. Our rewards are gift card / cash based. We do not give away free subscriptions. We feel you should get the cash and have you decide where to spend it. We offer monthly, quarterly, and yearly contests.

Reward Hub is based on Gamification which is used to get people interested in or participate in a service offering. We are going to take this concept to a whole other level.